Further Representation Skills (Newcastle)

2 – 3 October 2025

UNISON Northern, 140 - 150 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6TH

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Closing date: noon 21 October 2025

You must have previously completed Stage 1 and 2 stewards training.

Every five years UNISON expects our reps to participate in a training course to keep their skills up to date -participating in this course will update your accreditation.

This course is designed to follow on from the stage 2 Stewards course or equivalent and is aimed at existing UNISON stewards. The course reinforces some approaches and procedures introduced in the course and explores in more detail:

– Process for identifying needs and exploring what is and isn’t a case

– Recap on sources of information, especially the ACAS code

– Preparing for a grievance and a capability case

– Planning and building a case including interviewing witnesses

– Possible outcomes from cases

– Building confidence, getting organised and looking after yourself.

Education application form

We will use this information to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details. For more information on how UNISON uses your personal data, visit www.unison.org.uk/privacy-policy

  • Courses are for UNISON members in the northern region only.
  • To help us know which course you are applying for
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record. Don't worry if you don't have it, we will try to locate your membership using the information you provide below but we may need to contact you for more information.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • We need this information incase we need to contact you about the course and update your membership details.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.