1 July – 23 August 2019
Who is it for?
Any new steward who is unable to attend one of our face to face Organising Stewards courses (because of work
patterns/family commitments)
Aims of course:
This course will help you:
- Understand the role of an organising union in public services
- Recognise the importance of equalities in UNISON
- Work with members to tackle issues in the workplace
- Work with members in resolving cases
- Know where and when to seek advice and guidance
- Understand how procedures work in practice
- Handle grievance and disciplinary and similar types of cases as the representative of UNISON members within your workplace
- Be certified as competent to accompany members at a disciplinary and grievance hearing in order to comply with Employment Relations Act 1999
- Understand the broader roles in which UNISON operates, including internationally
How do I apply?
To register for a place on this course please go to link:
https://www.tuceducation.org.uk/findacourse/courses/63 (from this link click on course directory, then sort by on-line courses then find the “UNISON Stewards Course” (you need to do this by no later than 2 weeks before the start date of the course). Once you have registered the TUC will send you a college enrolment form. This needs to be completed and sent back to the TUC by return otherwise you will not be able to start the course.
Please also tell your branch and your manager that you have applied.
When will I hear if I have a place?
You will be contacted by the TUC no later than 2 weeks before the course starts.