1 September 2018 10:00am–5:00pm
UNISON Northern Regional Office
Our next Policy Away Day is Saturday 1 September. It will be held at the UNISON Northern Newcastle Office. Our main agenda item will be discussing amendments to motions for the National LGBT Conference.
We are now accepting nominations for the National LGBT Rep (Woman’s Seat). You can be nominated or self nominate by emailing Paul Riley, p.riley@unison.co.uk. The successful person will be the link to the National LGBT Committee and be required to attend meetings outside of the region (usually in London). You may wish to prepare a short address should an election be required.
If you would like to attend, please apply via your branch or if you are not ‘out’ in your workplace and/or branch you can apply via Paul Riley, Regional LGBT Lead by emailing p.riley@unison.co.uk .
The closing date is 25 August. Here is a link to an application form to attend: