Trans Ally Training

6 December 2024 1:00pm–4:00pm


Closing date: Noon 30 November
This training session will help you;

  • Identify the role of a trans ally and why it’s needed
  • Explore UNISON’s definition of transgender
  • Explore what you can do to be a good trans ally
  • Know where to find resources and support

Education application form

We will use this information to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details. For more information on how UNISON uses your personal data, visit

  • Courses are for UNISON members in the northern region only.
  • To help us know which course you are applying for
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record. Don't worry if you don't have it, we will try to locate your membership using the information you provide below but we may need to contact you for more information.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • We need this information incase we need to contact you about the course and update your membership details.
  • This information helps us to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.