Following on from the announcement by Northumbria Police on 26th June that they will close three police stations and radically alter the opening times of others within the Force, UNISON has launched an e petition to encourage the public to become involved.
At present eleven stations are open 24/7 and from 17th July this will be reduced to one.
Clare Williams, UNISON regional secretary said:
“UNISON’s labour link conference last week sent a clear message to the government that cuts to police staff have gone too far.
We are therefore disappointed that Northumbria Police still intend to go ahead with further cuts and have not responded positively to our earlier request for proper consultation to take place.
We hope, even at this stage, they will listen to UNISON and the wider community.”
Peter Chapman, UNISON Regional Organiser said:
“Despite claims that consultation on these plans had taken place, it’s obvious by the reactions from UNISON and local politicians that this has not been the case.
These changes, which are due to be introduced next Monday, will not only have an impact on UNISON members – some facing a 25% cut in pay – but also on the local communities who Northumbria Police serve. Some of the stations like for example Forth Bank in Newcastle are particularly busy and from next Monday the public will have nowhere to go after 8.00 pm.
We’re therefore launching this petition to give the public the chance to let both the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner know their views.