In response to the announcement today (Tuesday 23 October) that cuts worth more than £120 million may have to be made at Birmingham City Council next financial year, Ravi Subramanian UNISON Regional Secretary said:
“This budget situation is very worrying and it is a mess jointly created by the previous Tory Lib-Dem council and the current Tory Lib-Dem Government.
“UNISON will be asking the Labour Council to campaign jointly with us to approach Eric Pickles and ask for a Fair Deal for Birmingham.
“Losses of up to 1000 full-time jobs have been mentioned which will not only be devastating for those individuals and their families but also for the services that the community relies on.
“This will have further devastating effects on our local economy, which is already suffering due to the Government’s failing austerity measures.
“UNISON will be working with Birmingham City Council to try to minimise the impact of these bigger than expected budgets cuts.”