For many years university pay has not kept up. Not kept up with the cost of your bills, the cost of your rent or mortgage – nor the pay rises awarded to Vice Chancellors.
You deserve a pay rise and UNISON is campaigning for a real pay rise, that both keeps up with inflation and catches up with the shortfall from years of low pay. As the biggest union representing university support staff we, along with other unions, are negotiating with your employer and campaigning for all in HE to be paid properly.
The Pay Up Now for Higher Education Campaign continues. This year the Joint Trade Unions have submitted our pay claim for:
- RPI plus 3% or a minimum increase of £3349 (whichever is greater).
- £10 per hour to be the minimum pay for directly employed staff and Foundation Living Wage the lowest wage to be paid on campus (i.e. contractors).
- Restoration of the 3% differentials between spinal column points.
To achieve a 35 hour working week for all staff working in universities.
As well as a number of demands to increase equality and fairness across the HE sector including:
- Action to close the gender and ethnic pay gaps.
- A framework to eliminate precarious employment practices including ending zero hour contracts and bringing outsourced staff back into the direct employment.
- A nationally agreed payment to reflect excessive workloads.
Negotiations began on Tuesday 26th March and are expected to conclude in May. Keep up with our campaign new from our national website.
We want to hear from all higher education members so that their views can be represented in our pay negotiations and campaigns.