Your Industrial Action ballot will be posted to your HOME ADDRESS from the 24 June and will be open for 5 weeks.
Q. Why should I vote YES to strike action?
A. The Trust has so far failed to meet any of your demands. Voting yes to strike action will allow UNISON to negotiate for what you deserve. This is:
- Negotiated Back Pay
- No clawbacks of enhancements
- Top of band 3 for all
- A full list of job roles in scope
- 1 Clinical Duty for Band 3
- No one suffering any detriment to their pay
Voting YES to strike action will send the strongest message possible to the Trust that you are ready to be rewarded, respected, and recognised properly for the work you do.
Q. Will we be taking strike action if I vote, yes?
A. It depends on the response from the Trust. Voting YES sends the strongest message possible that you would take industrial action and has in many cases been enough to get the Trust to meet our demands. If they continue to refuse to negotiate a fair settlement, then we will discuss strike action with you to achieve these goals.
Q. What about my enhancements – I have heard I might be worse off due to the percentage?
A. You should never be worse off at the Top of Band 3 – even if your enhancement percentage is lowered, you will still earn more overall.
Q. I have heard I might end up owing the Trust money due to ‘clawback’ of enhancements?
A. For the reasons above, there is no way you could ever end up owing the trust money – as if you had been on a Band 3 with enhancements you would have been paid more. Our position is that no member should be at a detriment and therefore we will not accept any ‘clawback’.
Q. Will I get strike pay if I go out on strike?
A. Strike pay is normally £50 a day from the first day of action, if authorised. Strike pay cannot exceed normal take-home pay, so if a member would earn less than £50 on a strike day, they can only claim their maximum take-home pay.
Q. Why is the ballot by post?
A. This is a legal ballot for industrial action which must be conducted by post due to legislation introduced by the government.
Q.When do I need to post it by?
A. It’s crucial that you post your ballot back immediately but by no later than the 25 July, to ensure that it reaches Civica (the ballot administrator) by the closing date.
Q. I am not a member can I join and have a vote?
A.Yes – you can join online at However, you must join by noon 15 July 2024 and contact us at after you have joined to request a ballot paper.
Q.What do I do if I do not receive a ballot?
A. If you do not receive a ballot paper by 1 July and you believe you should have done, contact or 0191 245 0817.
Q. When will we be going out on strike and how long will we be out for?
A. If strike action is needed, this the length and dates will be decided in consultation with your organising committee at the end of the ballot period.
Q: What do we need to achieve to win?
A: To strike we need 50% of HCAs/CSWs (Healthcare Assistants/Clinical Support Workers) to vote and 80% of those voting to vote YES to strike action.
Q: Will people know how I have voted?
A: The ballot is entirely confidential as it is not conducted by UNISON or the Trust, so your decision is private.
Q: I am worried about patients, who will cover our work?
A: The best thing for patient safety in the long term is to put patients first by staffing the hospital properly and give staff the support you need to do your jobs. We will work closely with the Trust to make sure there is no threat to life and limb. It is the Trusts responsibility to arrange for replacement staff to cover your work.
Q: Can you get in trouble for taking strike action?
A: No, you have the legal right to take industrial action!