7 July 2022
UNISON Northern, 140 - 150 Pilgrim Street, Newcatsle upon Tyne, NE1 6TH
This training is for UNISON members who wish to become learning reps and takes place over 3 consecutive Thursdays.
7, 14 and 21 July 2022
About the training
- Develop skills and knowledge about the role of union learning representatives
- Understanding union learning agenda and strategy
- Consult with colleagues and identify their learning needs
- Work with employers to plan learning opportunities within the workplace
- Find out about government policies and programmes for lifelong learning
Education application form
We will use this information to locate and verify your membership record, add your name to the training database and update your membership details. For more information on how UNISON uses your personal data, visit www.unison.org.uk/privacy-policy