Get involved in UNISON

Whatever your problem at work, from broken central heating to changes to terms and conditions, UNISON workplace representatives (reps), stewards and other activists work together to protect the interest of members.

There are many ways to get involved. Please complete the form below to let us know what role you are interested in and we will contact you.

If you are already registered to get involved take take a look at our upcoming regional courses.

Trained steward

Representing members in grievances and disciplinaries, representing the union locally and updating members on current issues.

Union Learning Rep (ULR)

Supporting members learning needs including organising training/learning in the workplace.

Health & Safety rep

Keeping workplaces safe and you are fully trained for the role, this is a key role to ensure workplaces are COVID safe.

Workplace contact

A local point of contact, updating notice boards and keeping members up to date with UNISON campaigns. Contacts do not undertake representation.

Equalities and young members

We have four self organised groups Black members, Disabled members, LGBT+ and Women.

We also have a young members network for any member under the age of 27.

Find out more about our Self Organised groups and young members network.

These are just a few way you can become involved – Find out about other UNISON roles

Pay champions

Pay champions support pay campaigns in their workplace – similar to workplace contacts but with a focus on pay. Pay champions can also have other roles in their branch such as a trained steward or union learning rep.

Register to get involved

We're asking for these details to enable us to find you on the UNISON membership database. By completing this form, you agree to being contacted by one of our regional reps who will contact you for a chat about how you would like to be more involved. For more information on how UNISON uses your personal data, visit

  • Tick all that you may be interested in