UNISON’s Middlesbrough LG Branch was delighted to be able to participate in celebrating the second Black History Youth Awards Dinner hosted by Cultures CIC, in Middlesbrough Town Hall. UNISON Middlesbrough LG Branch has also become one of the sponsors of the event, supporting the vital community organising work which underpins the event.
The awards celebrate the achievements of black youths by promoting positive role models. It also aims to introduce the ‘It’s You and Me’ mentoring project, which addresses the specific needs of young black people in Teesside who are in need of mentoring.
UNISON Middlesbrough Black Members’ Officer, Beauty Tshuma said, “The African adage that it takes a village to raise a child is the ethos that drives this initiative. We are so pleased that our UNISON branch is able to play a larger role in the community as well as in our workplaces”.
UNISON Branch Secretary, Paul Thompson said, “UNISON is immensely keen to play its part in mentoring and development opportunities. We are proud that the branch has been able to offer a work experience placement, providing an opportunity for a young person in the mentoring programme to gain experience in the world of work and also to get a taste of what a modern trade union does”.
Clare Williams, UNISON Regional Secretary said, “It is the role of UNISON to work alongside other groups so that, together, we can pick up the pieces of our communities and make good the damage done to our community structures by the cuts imposed by the Conservative Government. UNISON branches proudly support their communities by getting active within our communities across the Northern Region”.