We stand together on higher education pay and higher education pensions. UNISON Northern Region supports UCU Strike Action

UNISON Northern Higher Education Service Group sends a message of support to UCU in their ongoing strike action for Pay and Pensions. UNISON Northern Higher Education Chair Neil Bellamy Said; “Our members have suffered below inflation pay rises for too long. We fully support our colleagues in UCU in their action on pay and to […]

UNISON achieves victory for low-paid cleaners who were to be outsourced by Middlesbrough Council

Cleaners who feared their pay and pensions would be reduced by being transferred to private firm are celebrating after Middlesbrough Council dropped the plan, says UNISON. The 140 workers – who are among the lowest paid staff at the local authority – were told their jobs were to be outsourced to a number of contractors. […]

Unions REJECT local government pay offer

The three unions have now called on the local government employers to think again and come up with a better offer so talks can continue as soon as possible.

Hartlepool College commits to TUC’s Dying to Work Charter

The Dying to Work campaign is seeking greater security for terminally ill workers.

Gateshead UNISON celebrates their longest serving member

Gateshead UNISON branch have reached out to their longest serving member to thank them for their dedicated service.

Low-paid council cleaners face privatisation threat warns UNISON

More than 100 low-paid Middlesbrough Council employees have been told their jobs are to be privatised and transferred to private companies next year so the authority can make savings of around £180,000, says UNISON today (Friday). Around 140 cleaners employed by the authority say councillors are planning to outsource their jobs simply to save cash. […]

Blog: Give the best gift this Christmas, Save the Planet – Guest blog by Ronagh Craddock

Ronagh Craddock is the climate change lead for UNISON Northern. It is now officially December which means we can talk about Christmas, and I know that the best gift that I can give to my friends and family this Christmas is to save the planet. Tackling the climate crisis sounds like a big task – […]

UNISON Npower representatives meet Parliamentary candidate over job losses

UNISON representatives for staff at NPower in the North East today (Tuesday) met Parliamentary candidate Bridget Phillipson to discuss the recently announced losses within the company over the next two years. A significant number of the 2,000 staff employed at Rainton Bridge are represented by the union. Around 4,500 jobs will be lost nationally over […]

Shocking picture of austerity cuts to local services is revealed by UNISON

The true scale of almost a decade of savage austerity cuts to local communities in the North East is laid bare in a study published by UNISON today (Friday), showing the impact of huge reductions in council funding. A series of freedom of information (FoI) requests to local authorities in the region examined the changes […]

Unsung heroes of North East schools celebrated by UNISON

School support staff across the North East will be recognised today (Friday) as part of a UK-wide celebration of the invaluable contribution they make to children’s education. UNISON has organised the ‘Stars in Our Schools’ event to promote the wonderful work school support staff do every day and to make sure the world knows just how vital they are […]