NDC update – Issue 3

NDC Northern Issue 3 Thursday 21 June 2018  

NDC update – Issue 2

NDC Issue 2 Wednesday 20 June 2018 final

NDC update – Issue 1

NDC Northern Issue 1 Tuesday 19 June 2018

Operating theatre staff celebrated with first national awareness day

An awareness day highlighting the contribution of operating department practitioners (ODPs) to patient care will take place on Monday (14 May), UNISON has announced. The first National ODP’s Day will be marked across the country with activities including operating theatre tours, bake sales, and careers talks at schools. The College of Operating Department Practitioners (CODP), […]

Proposed NHS pay agreement to benefit more than a million staff across England

Over a million hospital porters, 999 call handlers, healthcare assistants, nurses, midwives and other NHS staff across England are being offered long overdue pay rises of between 6.5 and 29% over the next three years, say health unions today (Wednesday). Under the proposed agreement – reached after months of negotiation between the unions, NHS employers and the government – hospital […]

International Women’s Day

Today UNISON Northern is celebrating International women’s day and recognising the amazing role of women in our union. International women’s day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. We want to remember the women whose stories are rarely told. Stories like that of Emma Paterson (nee- Smith) 1848-1886 […]

Hartlepool College of Further Education, the number one apprenticeship provider in the North of England has signed up to the UNISON Apprenticeship Charter, promising correct pay and high-quality training to every one of its apprentices. The charter, which is put in place by the UKs second largest trade union, UNISON, aims to protect the rights […]

Dying to Work

UNISON was delighted to attend along with FBU and TUC representatives to sign the Dying to Work Charter with Cleveland Fire Brigade. The charter sets out an agreed way in which workers will be supported, protected and guided throughout their employment should they suffer the misfortune of receiving a terminal diagnosis. Councillor Jan Brunton-Dobson, Chairperson […]

Apprentices in UNISON with Redcar and Cleveland Council

The North East has been hit hard by austerity cuts and closures of traditional industries such as the Redcar Steelworks. As a result, working people have found it much harder to find decent, well-paid jobs with a guarantee of ongoing training and career development. UNISON has, therefore, been delighted to sign a Local Apprenticeship Agreement […]

Carillion’s collapse is terrible for staff and the taxpayer, says UNISON

The government needs to safeguard services and protect staff