Lobby the Chancellor to fund a decent pay rise

We want members to urgently email the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, and call on him to use the local government finance settlement – likely to be this Thursday – to stop the cuts and fund local government adequately, so that councils can fund the LGA’s offer and protect jobs and services.  The £632 million cost of the pay […]

Blog: Pay up now

Our Pay Up Now campaign has hit a crucial milestone. After months of campaigning in workplaces across the region and nationally our UNISON petition to get parliament to debate the issue of public sector pay was a huge success.

Hartlepool signs up to UNISON’s ethical care charter

Hartlepool Borough Council has become the latest local authority to sign up to UNISON’s ethical care charter. Council leaders joined UNISON Northern regional secretary Clare Williams to formally sign the charter on Friday. This means the Council has committed itself to working with the town’s care companies to help them replace zero-hours contracts with guaranteed […]

Chair of UNISON Northern women’s network elected as chair of  Northern TUC women’s group;

Congratulations to Pat Heron the Northern region women’s network chair who was elected as the Northern TUC women’s group Chair. Pat is an avid spokesperson for women and will do an excellent job at ensuring Northern women in the trade union movement and UNISON women’s voice’s are heard and represented Well done Pat!

Organising Apprentices in UNISON

UNISON Northern Region was very pleased to host training and a planning workshop on the topic of the Apprenticeship Levy. Any employer with a pay bill over £3 million each year must pay the apprenticeship levy which is calculated at 0.5% of the annual pay bill. Employers can use this levy to fund apprenticeships and […]

Do you deserve a pat on the back?

A new UNISON film, featuring former Dynasty actor Stephanie Beacham, takes a tongue-in-cheek look at why the government should give teaching assistants, paramedics, refuse collectors and other public service workers a pay rise.  The two-minute satirical Pat on the Back film highlights the government’s hypocritical attitude to public servants – commending their dedication and hard work, yet refusing […]

Save South Tyneside Hospital march

Save South Tyneside Hospital Campaign Update

On Saturday October 14, 2017 South Shields saw hundreds of South Tyneside and Sunderland residents take to the streets against the downgrading of acute services at South Tyneside District Hospital

Durham teaching assistants accept new pay offer

Teaching assistants in Durham represented by UNISON, have today (Monday) overwhelmingly voted to accept the final offer made by the County Council to end the long-running dispute. The improved offer, put forward last month, is the result of lengthy negotiations with the Council, which involved teaching assistants themselves. It is significantly different from the initial […]

Rodney Bickerstaffe, former General Secretary of UNISON and NUPE has died

Clare Williams, Northern Regional Secretary of UNISON said today: “Rodney was a trade union leader who spent his life campaigning tirelessly to better the working lives of everyone. He was a champion of the low paid and fought for the introduction of the National Minimum Wage against a campaign of fear by the Government and […]

Leading multi-academy trust signs recognition agreement with UNISON

A LEADING multi-academy trust has signed an agreement with UNISON representatvies to ensure its ongoing commitment to its teaching and support staff. Representatives from UNISON put their names to a Trade Union Recognition Agreement following five months of discussions with the Hartlepool-based Extol Academy Trust. Extol Academy Trust oversees the governance of Eldon Grove Academy, […]