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Pay Up Now – For Higher Education

For many years university pay has not kept up. Not kept up with the cost of your bills, the cost of your rent or mortgage – nor the pay rises awarded to Vice Chancellors.

Good Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work

The UNISON Bridges to Learning project brought together front-line public service workers in Durham this week. The professional development conference was for UNISON members in the health, social care and education sectors

Blog: UNISON – Biggest, Boldest, Best

UNISON has shown the true value of union membership through the campaigning and representation of our members. Last year we celebrated 25 years of UNISON and we announced that not only are we the biggest public sector trade union – but the biggest overall union in the UK.

UNISON and Darlington Council sign new apprenticeship agreement

UNISON is delighted to sign a Local Apprenticeship Agreement with Darlington Borough Council. This recognises the high quality apprenticeship scheme implemented by the Labour-led council.

UNISON stops unfair DBS charges for NHS workers

UNISON members across NTW NHS Trust took part in a long campaign against the Trust’s plans to introduce DBS charges for staff.

Blog: The future of school funding

UNISON Northern is supporting a petition calling for a debate in parliament on the future of school funding. You will find the link at the end of this post. UNISON represents thousands of school support staff across the Region and those members do fantastic work to help children learn, keep them safe and healthy and […]

16 Days in 16 Ways

From 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women up to 10 December – Human Rights Day, the 16 days of activism against gender based violence campaign is a time to galvanise action to end violence against women and girls around the world. 16 days in 16 ways is a campaign […]

Demonstration to Demand a Fully Funded Education System

A demonstration calling for proper funding for our schools is taking place tomorrow (Saturday 24th November) in Old Eldon Square, Newcastle from 11.00 am.  Our schools need more than little extras promised by Phillip Hammond in the recent budget and Education trade unions together with UNISON are coming together to demand a fully funded education […]

A statement from Regional LGBT Co-Chair and trans ally on Transgender Day of Remembrance

As a gay man who identifies as cisgender I remember growing up and going through school being bullied due to my perceived sexuality. I struggled, I dreaded getting on the bus knowing the endless taunts and abuse would start as soon as I arrived at the bus stop, even outside of school. It never ended […]

UNISON celebrates becoming the UK’s biggest union

UNISON is marking becoming the UK’s biggest union by launching a month of recruitment activity today (Tuesday) to reach out to every worker in the country providing public services.